Pediculosis is a skin disease, contagious and produced by hematophagous arthropod parasites (that feed on blood) of the species Pediculus hominis, popularly called lice. There are several types of pediculosis: head, body and pubic area.
We will stop our attention below on head lice.

Pediculosis is most common in children, preschoolers and schoolchildren, but not only.
A myth that circulates is that lice appear mainly in people with poor hygiene.
It is false! Lice infestation also occurs where hygiene is very good.

The head louse is a small insect (2.0 – 4.7 mm), without wings, so it does not fly or jump, having a flat shape. Lice feed on human blood several times a day and live near the human scalp.

Lice are not transmitted by pets.

It is important to point out that, although lice can live on the human scalp for a maximum of one month, in different environments they do not last more than 48 hours, but their eggs, at low temperatures, can be incubated for even 30 days, during which can be transmitted.

The most common symptom is itching that occurs in areas of the scalp where lice are present. However, it can take up to 6 weeks for the scalp to become sensitive due to lice saliva – the main cause of itching. Most often, itching occurs behind the ears and in the neck area. This can last for several weeks, even after the lice have been removed by treatment.

In the treatment of pediculosis, the aim is first of all to treat the current infection of the infected person, check all family members and nearby people, classmates, and then prevent recontamination.

A remedy in the treatment of pediculosis, tested in the 9 years since it appeared on the market, is the antiparasitic shampoo for hair with lice Dr. Soleil.

This is a non-invasive, Class I medical device with a duration of use of less than 30 days. It is used when we face the unpleasant situation, following the infestation of hair with lice, and is removed by washing.

How to use: apply a sufficient amount of shampoo to wet hair and massage for 3-4 minutes, obtaining an abundant lather. Rinse well and towel dry vigorously. Shampooing is repeated every 24 hours and possibly every 7 days.

With the help of the special, metal comb with thick teeth, after washing, all the hair is combed strand by strand to remove the remaining lice and their eggs, caught in the hair.

As a preventive measure to prevent it is recommended to wash the clothes and linen used by the infested person with hot water (over 55 degrees Celsius) and/or dry the items on a drying cycle at very high heat. Also vacuuming sofas, armchairs and washing blankets.

General hygiene measures: education through information, personal hygiene, treatment of infected persons and prevention of recontamination.