Before you order from our online store it is imperative you know the following information : offers reputable items!
To be able to place an order it is necessary to follow the steps and fill in all the mandatory fields with the requested information.
The ordered items will be delivered via courier, at the delivery address provided on the completed forms, communicated upon confirmation command;
The shipment will be done with the help of Fan Courier, Sameday or Cargus, only in Romania . The shipment fee is 19 RON. Expeditions by Sameday lockers cost 11.99 RON.
The shipment can be free only during certain periods established by the company, in situations of special sales on or by newsletter or other media channels. Delivery is free of charge for orders over 150 RON.
Delivery in 1-2 working days.
The moment you press the confirmation button of your order you " sign " the sale - purchase contract with;
The inventories displayed are for INFORMATIONAL purpose only and they can suffer changes at any time. We reserve the right to cancel any order due to lack of stock with a telephone reconfirmation in advance.
Product images do not create any contractual obligations.
Comments or any problems regarding the integrity of the content of the package received can be made only when receiving the package from the currier, you can refuse to receive it and to pay for it. Any subsequent complaint relating the package or product will not be taken into consideration.
We want to you have a very pleasant experience on the site and please don’t hesitate to contact us for any information, at the email address or by phone 0730.649.383.